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Inspiring Digital Entrepreneurship and Awareness in Higher Education: The Final Report of IDEA is Available Online

The IDEA Composite Final Report on the digital entrepreneurship dynamics and trends in the EU, is now available on the official website https://www.ideadigital.eu/mapping.php

In particular, the report aims at mapping the digital entrepreneurship dynamics in the IDEA countries, identifying common trends in digital skills application to entrepreneurship and good practices and tools in digital entrepreneurship.

The mapping had been executed by IDEA project partners in their respective countries, as well as at an EU level. Based on this effort, IDEA partners proposed a set of success and failure factors together with recommendations targeted at digital entrepreneurship dynamics in higher education (HE) context and beyond.

The results of mapping and stock taking of digital entrepreneurship dynamics will serve both as guidelines for formulation of European educational policies in the field of digital skills and as pillars for development of IDEA training programmes.
IDEA is co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme and involves a Consortium of nine Partners from seven European countries i.e. Belgium, Croatia, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Spain. The Project aims at rising awareness among HE institutions and education authorities about the potential of digital and entrepreneurship skills and their role as business success factors. Through all these activities IDEA will improve professional success chances of HE students with different backgrounds.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site and its contents reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.