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Faculty of Architecture and Design STU (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava)

The teaching of architecture at the STU began in 1946, making the Faculty of Architecture (FA) the newest addition to the Slovak University of Technology (STU) Faculty. At that time the Department of Architecture and Structural Engineering was established as a part of the Structural Engineering Branch at Slovak Polytechnic (SVŠT), today called the Faculty of Civil Engineering. In the following seventy years the Faculty has transformed to a vital and competitive institution and serves over 1000 students each year. Although having Design study programmes under its roof for more than 25 years, in 2020 Design has made it to the official title of the institution too. Faculty of Architecture has been renamed and as of September 2020 Faculty of Architecture and Design has started to write its new common history.

Nowadays, the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU is the largest educational institution for architects and designers in the Slovak Republic. The faculty profile reflects university principles and establishes a condition for professional performance within the home country and the EU framework. In this respect, there is a clear orientation to prepare architects, urban planners, and designers within a creative framework. The present two-year tier system of study focuses on the preparedness of a graduate. Awareness in the art and theory subjects is emphasized, as well as in a variety of technical and design subjects from urban planning to interior design.

The Faculty of Architecture and Design is situated in a building designed by Emil Belluš, the most important Slovak architect in the 20th century and the founder of the school for whom the hall "Aula of Professor Belluš" (residing within the college) is named. In addition to such lecture classrooms, studios, computer facilities, and the Faculty library which holds significant professional books and journals (many which are internationally acclaimed) may be utilized for the development of creative abilities and professional skills.
Faculty of Architecture and Design, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava official website is available at www.fa.stuba.sk.

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